Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ezeiza airport LIVE!

Customs found that a group from Tulsa was smuggling some heavy stuff into the country. Fortunately, we were able to take photos of the bags before the police took them. The first pics correspond to Lee Ann’s bags. When asked she stated, that she had to bring her fave cereal bars with her.

We have Mr Kerry’s bag.He admitted he had brought that big bag to hold all the pending orders in BA to take them back to Tulsa.

Then we have Mr Coop’s bag who said he had to bring his cough medicine with him….it looks like something too strong for a cough,

It was very strange the to see Mr Horton wearing a straw hat and holding a peanut butter pot in his hands…welcome to Argentina old folk.

Monday, June 9, 2008

El ceo y sus contactos politicos

Cristina in Ezeiza: Receiving the CEO.

Cristina and the Hortonville´s fans club yesterday in Ezeiza.

Ezeiza: This Weekend.

What is going on in Ezeiza?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Apples and Bananas

I just like apples and bananas
-Jeremy Horton-


Aunque con un atraso de un día

no queríamos dejar pasar esta fecha tan especial.



"Feliz cumple, dear Bruni"- La Coca Sarli (Madrina del Hville)

"Felíz cumple pibe, yo firmo, el ironman"

Monday, June 2, 2008


Hortonville´s fans club 1945

Cualquier parecido con la realidad NO es coincidencia.